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Gut Health - Great Health Starts Here!

Gut Health
Your health (believe it not), starts in your gut!
Which fish tank best describes your gut health?

What’s your gut health like? How do you take care of your gut and overall health? Often when we struggle with our health, especially with the gut, the first thing we do is either take a probiotic or look at our diet. As much as those are both important it doesn’t always help or fix the issue. Your body houses some 100 trillion bacteria (more stars than in the Milky Way), and about 1 quadrillion viruses (bacteriophages). In essence, we're little more than walking microbe colonies, seeing how these bacteria outnumber your cells 10 to 1. These organisms perform a wide variety of functions, and we've now come to realize that they need to be properly balanced and nourished if we want to maintain good physical and mental health. 90 percent of diseases are induced by environmental factors, and researchers are now realizing that your microbiome (gut bacteria) may be among the most important factors, as genes are turned on and off depending on which microbes are present! Often the answers to some very big questions about your health could lie within a very tiny ecosystem in your gut. The microbiome – often referred to as the body's "forgotten organ" – consists of a collection of tiny bacteria that have an immense impact on a number of health conditions like: chronic inflammation, cancer and heart disease. Keeping your microbiome in balance, a need often ignored by conventional medicine, plays a critical role in maintaining your health. As for gut health related to toxins there are several contributing factors. 4 Toxins That Destroy Gut Health: Keeping your body healthy relies heavily on the health of your gut. Here are just 4 toxins that are destroying your gut health and, subsequently, your overall wellbeing. This doesn’t including habits like smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs or medications. 1. Antibiotics Studies suggest certain antibiotics can affect gut flora—even changing “the microbial and metabolic patterns of the gut.” When you take a common antibiotic like penicillin or erythromycin, for example, the diversity of those bacteria could decrease. Even if levels will likely return to normal over time, these drugs disturb your gut’s health and could be a factor in future health problems. 2. Pesticides One of the main ingredients in the weed killer Roundup, glyphosate is often used by farmers. Residues from the toxin then go on to contaminate our food supply. With gluten intolerance and celiac disease on the rise, a recent study suggests glyphosate is the culprit and that it destroys gut health and kills off healthy gut bacteria. Gluten intolerance and celiac disease can, in turn, lead to other health issues. However, thanks to assurances from Monsanto (glyphosate’s creator) the EPA still doesn’t recognize the threat of this toxin to humans. 3. Emulsifiers Emulsifiers keep the ingredients in processed food from separating. They’re also used to improve the shelf-life of items, or to help the texture. If you’re buying processed food, it’s likely you’re also buying emulsifiers. New research shows these toxic additives could also be adding to the obesity epidemic by interfering with microbes in the gastrointestinal tract. There’s even evidence suggesting emulsifiers could be a factor in other serious health issues like inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic syndrome. 4. Artificial Sweeteners Artificial sweeteners could even change the way your body processes sugar—leading to high blood sugar, a possible precursor to diabetes. Because they contain no calories, these sweeteners aren’t digested, but they still have to make their way through the gastrointestinal tract. That same study also strongly suggests artificial sweeteners could, if nothing else, contribute to weight gain—that they “may favor the growth of bacteria that make more calories available to us, calories that can then find their way to our hips, thighs and midriffs.” There are 3 key things to look at when dealing with the health of the gut: Remove, Replenish and Reset. If you look at the fish tanks above, if your gut is the ‘dirty tank’ no amount of probiotics or dietary changes will fix it. You have to Remove the waste and toxins, Replenish it with good foods and nutrients and Reset the flora in the gut.

  • The Removal of the toxins and waste can be done several ways:

Colon Hydro therapy, herbal detoxing, along with food detoxing (juicing/fasting etc.). Your body also needs a massive amount of good nutrients introduced regularly in order to release those toxins. In order for cleansing to also be successful, we need to stop more toxins that are coming in from poor habits (Smoking, drinking, medications) and poor food choices.

  • The Replenish is done with a very clean diet; eating lots of greens and clean proteins. Plant proteins are very important in helping to feed the good bacteria in the gut. Also taking vitamins, mineral and nutrients help to.

Food is information for your body. What information are you feeding your body?

  • The Reset is done with well-rounded “good” bacteria for the gut. This is a key step. ½ our waste is discarded probiotics or bacteria from our intestinal tract.

Your body has over 3lbs of bacteria in it. So choose wisely when picking a probiotic to reset it. Some other added info about the gut: Your gut is where 90% of your Serotonin is made and 50% of your Dopamine. Are you struggling with deficiency with these? (Depression, Anxiety, Mood Swings, etc.) So which fish tank represents your gut health? Does your 'tank' need assistance in cleaning and healing? Come in for a colonic or an analysis and get your gut health finally fixed! Call or Email to book! 403-235-3025

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