The Natural Flow to Health Inc.
Your Local Natural Health Clinic:
A holistic way to improving your health.

Price Schedule
Until further notice, The Natural Flow to Health Fee Schedule will be the following:
Full Body Analysis:
Option 1:
Analysis & Consultation (For clients using our product and who follow our suggested program)
Option 2:
Analysis & Consultation (For clients who wish to follow our program but purchase products through another source)
Quick Consultation (For established clients already on our program using our products)
$25.00 - 10 Minutes Maximum
**Telephone and or e-mail consultations are available at the same fee rate as face-to-face appointments. (Client calls into the clinic). For established clients only.
Colon Hydro Therapy
- $130.00
Live & Dry Blood Analysis
Inital / First Appointment (60min) - $150
Follow Up / Repeat Client (30min) - $85
Ion Cleansing
- $65.00
Dorn Therapy
- $55.00
Raindrop Therapy:
60 Min - $100.00
90 Min - $130.00
Ear Candling:
1 Hour / 4 Candles (2 Per Ear) - $149.00
90 Minutes / 6 Candles (3 Per Ear) - $199.00
Cardio Evaluation
- $99.95
Chi Machine
- $1.00 per minute (book between 10 – 30 minute sessions)
Blood Typing & Consultation - $45.00
Frequency Treatments
- $40.00 for first hour | $20 for each consecutive hour​​​​​​​​​
Cancellation Policy:
A 24-hour notice must be given for any cancellations.
Failure to do so and no-show appointments will result in full fee charge for the missed appointment, or pre-paying of any further appointments booked at the therapist's discretion.
** Prices subject to change without notice