The Natural Flow to Health Inc.
Your Local Natural Health Clinic:
A holistic way to improving your health.

Live & Dry Blood Analysis
What is Live Blood Analysis:
Live Blood Analysis is the method of viewing your blood live under a microscope.
A drop of your blood is taken, and immediately examined using a powerful
You will be able to watch and observe the entire process, all the details that the microscope picks up on a large view computer monitor.
A high definition camera will capture what the analyst is seeing, through the microscope, as they are describing it to you.
The size and shape of the blood cells, as well as the terrain provides a wealth of knowledge regarding your health.
It can shed light on simple nutrient imbalances. The more imbalanced the nutrients the more likelihood of symptoms.
It can reveal exposures in your physical environment such as mold, toxic fumes or other environmental stressors.
Recommendations will be suggested on site which may include nutrients (through food or supplements), or diet, lifestyle and environmental changes.
If you are struggling with your health this can help narrow down the source / root cause of your concerns.
We take both Live and Dry blood samples.
Dry blood analysis (also known as Oxidative stress test) can show oxidative stress on your system along with long term systemic damage.
Similar to Live Blood Analysis, another drop of blood is taken and left to dry.
Once dry, the blood films produce distinct patterns depending on the contents and the condition of the blood.
These patterns are indicative of various imbalances such as metal toxicity or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
More Information and Additional Benefits of Live Blood Analysis:
Inner body pH level and mineral/electrolytes balance
Blood circulation and oxygen supply: blood congestion, blood clots / platelet, fibrin, low oxygenation, anemia
Damaged blood cells by toxicity or nutritional depletion
Nutritional balance: protein, iron, minerals & vitamins (B12 & folic acid)
Vitamin and Mineral deficiency
Parasites, mold, fungus, overgrowth of yeast & candida, bacterial load
Environmental toxins: heavy metal toxicity / chemicals / free radical toxicity
Hormonal imbalance: thyroid hormones and sexual hormones
Digestion of food and absorption of nutrients; level of stomach acidity and digestive enzymes
Metabolic by-products: cholesterol / atherosclerotic plaque, uric acid, water retention
Intestinal bowel stress: IBS / leaky gut; bowel toxicity / colon congestion / poor absorption, digestive problems
The level of accumulated toxins within the body causing organ stress
Autoimmune reactions
Inflammation and allergy reactions
Liver congestion: fatty liver and/or gallbladder congestion; gallstones
Kidney stress / kidney stone; bladder and UT stress
Immunity: the condition of immune cells (WBCs)
Poor lymphatic drainage
Inner body acidosis and Calcium loss from the bone density
Oxidative stress: systemic organ stress / degenerative illness process

Dry Blood Analysis