The Natural Flow to Health Inc.
Your Local Natural Health Clinic:
A holistic way to improving your health.

Colon Hydrotherapy
** Disclaimer: Please note that each client’s session may have a different or unique outcome. The results of a colon hydrotherapy, as well as number of sessions needed, varies per each individual’s health needs and history.
What Are the Benefits of Colon Hydro Therapy? **
A healthy, strong functioning colon is essential to maintaining your health. Your colon, together with the kidneys, lungs and skin are responsible for ridding waste from the body. But over time your colon may lose its ability to properly expel all waste from the gastrointestinal tract due to a combination of poor diet, improper food combining, drug intake and/or lifestyle.
If this happens, the colon may become saturated with harmful toxins. And through a process called ‘autointoxication’…these toxic substances can be transported into the bloodstream where the lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as the lungs and kidneys become overburdened and expose you to serious health risks.
Colon Hydrotherapy can be most beneficial in helping to restore health by:
a) Clearing the colon of old, hardened, waste materials and harmful toxins.
b) Restoring proper PH balance to the body.
c) Stimulating the Immune System.
d) Allowing freer passage of nutrients into the blood.
e) Increasing prevention of toxic absorption via healthy mucosa.
f) Providing a favorable environment for bacteria and microflora for digestion.
g) Strengthening peristaltic (natural muscular contractions) activity in the colon.
h) Promoting a return of normal, regular bowel movements.
Millions of people in this country—who suffer all manner of health problems—may never even consider that the source of their problem is a toxic, sluggish colon. This is not surprising. The traditional treatment of health disorders, disease symptoms and disease management…using pharmaceuticals and surgery…may completely obscure the root cause of recurring health problems.
Bowel dysfunction may be the root cause of a multitude of health problems, sickness and disease!
Most experts agree…if you aren’t having at least 2 or 3 bowel movements every day, then by definition, you should consider yourself constipated.
Constipation is a state of the bowel in which evacuations are infrequent and difficult, or where the large intestine becomes lined with impacted, hardened feces…Undigested food and waste may remain lodged in the large intestine for days, weeks, or even months to putrefy and toxic substances harmful to your health.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a method for cleansing the body of these potentially harmful substances which the colon has not been able to discharge by natural peristalsis.
While not a cure for any disease or ailment, it may be considered an important adjunctive therapy to help rejuvenate and maintain your overall health.
Certainly, constipation is not a natural and healthy condition for the human body. If you think your current health status could be improved by cleansing your colon... then colon hydrotherapy is a proven alternative therapy to assist you in accomplishing this goal.
A healthy colon is vital to living a life free of degenerative disease! If optimum health is your goal… Colon Hydrotherapy could be most beneficial to you…
A clean, strong and well functioning colon is essential to maintain optimal health…
While an unclean, weak and poorly functioning colon, is a breeding ground for disease, sickness and death. Serious health problems can arise if the colon is not properly cared for, and based on the statistics, colon health care in this country has been woefully neglected.
In the United States alone, over 400 million dollars is spent annually on laxatives. This year an estimated 130,000 new cases of colon and rectal cancer will be diagnosed, making it the fourth most common of cancers in Americans.
Of this population…Approximately 44% will die as a result of the disease!
Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States, second only to Lung cancer in men, and Breast cancer in Women. And at least two million Americans suffer colon related diseases including colitis, ileitis, diverticulitis and approximately 100,000 colostomy surgeries are performed each year.
Good colon health is as much a function of the quality of food we eat, as it is our bowel movement status (the quality and frequency of our movements). The typical American diet is comprised of refined, processed foods…high saturated fats, sugar, flour, preservatives and low in fiber, inevitably causes problems for the colon.
Over time, the colon will lose the ability to process vital nutrients, absorb water and to expel fecal matter from the body… a condition commonly known as “constipation”.
Constipation is commonly identified as a condition where the fecal matter is tightly packed together, that bowel movements are infrequent, with much difficulty straining…
In fact, many people are constipated without even recognizing the condition!
Old hardened feces sticks to the wall of the colon. The passage through which the feces are forced to travel is much reduced so that stool becomes narrow in diameter. In this society, bowel movements of the chronically constipated may be looked upon as normal.
Most people have no idea how much old, hardened, fecal matter is lodged within their colons. Many experts now believe that the average person has 5 to 20 pounds of accumulated matter in their colon. While not a weight loss procedure, it is interesting to note that many people who complete a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions report significant weight losses (of waste matter).
Colon toxicity can be the underlying cause of many of these commonly reported health problems and may indicate the need for colon hydrotherapy…
-Skin Problems
-Difficult Weight Loss
-Distended Abdomen
-Chronic Fatigue
-Frequent Colds
-Food Cravings
-Foul Body Odor
-Bad Breath/Halitosis
-Prostate Trouble
-Abdominal Gas
-Menstrual Problems
If you have any of the above problems, you may benefit from a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions.
An unhealthy colon can adversely effect total health, including all your body systems and lead to the following conditions.
Bowel Toxemia… A problem caused by years of build up of waste material---impacted feces, bacteria, fungi, viruses, dead cellular accumulated mucous, parasites, worms, etc.---on the walls. Can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation, inflammation and very serious disease.
Leaky Gut Syndrome… Is a problem where toxins from the colon may be absorbed and circulate into the blood stream. These poisons can impair normal liver, lung and kidney function. A person with this condition will feel tired, ill and weak almost constantly.
The colon related health problems identified above may be reduced or stopped entirely by maintaining a high-fiber diet, using a good herbal intestinal cleanse and colon hydrotherapy. **
What Happens During a Colon Hydrotherapy Session?
Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle infusion of water into the colon via the rectum. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective. During therapy the client lies on a custom treatment table in complete comfort. From the hydrotherapy equipment, a small speculum is gently inserted into the rectum, through which warm filtered water passes into the colon.
Modern state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy units employ multi-stage water purification systems, a viewing chamber and a system for additive administration.
These are closed systems… so waste is transported into the drain line without offensive odor and without comprising the dignity of the individual. After each therapy session, the unit is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected in preparation for future use.
A skilled colon hydro therapist will use several fills and releases of water, as well as light massage techniques, to dislodge toxic matter adhering to the walls of the colon. The dislodged fecal impactions are then gently washed away through the system’s waste disposal hose.
During the therapy, water temperatures and pressure will be monitored by the therapist and can be varied to stimulate peristalsis (muscular contractions) in the colon. This is very important to help the atonic (sluggish) colon.
When properly administered Colon Hydrotherapy is not addictive. It encourages the restoration of the colon’s natural function by strengthening peristalsis.
Each colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 45 minutes -1hour. Initially, a series of at least 2-3 separate therapy sessions is usually recommended, to achieve the maximum cleansing benefit. This helps to remove fecal matter, which may have been lodged in the colon for weeks, months, or even years, and to keep the client properly hydrated.
With colon hydrotherapy, the entire large intestine is cleansed and the therapeutic benefits are much greater than those achieved with an enema. Enema cleansings are limited to the rectum area and due to the body’s natural wish to expel, are limited in duration. Over-the-counter suppositories stimulate expulsion of the contents of the rectum, but contribute to dehydration, which may exacerbate a constipated condition.
During a typical colon hydrotherapy session, about 25-35 gallons of water will be transported into and out of the colon. Using a combination of abdominal massage (if consented), reflexology and relaxation techniques the colon therapist is often able to promote movement of a volume of toxic waste, which would not otherwise be possible through individual efforts. **
Just one colon hydrotherapy session may be equivalent to having 20-30 regular bowel movements. Removal during subsequent sessions can be more substantial as older, hardened, impacted feces are dislodged from the colon walls. **
The colon hydro therapist will carefully evaluate the client’s progress during their sessions to determine if additional sessions would be beneficial. After a therapy session, many people report feeling a heightened energy, an increased sense of well-being and renewed vitality. The colon hydro therapist will also recommend an acidophilus or probiotic so as to replace the natural flora back in the colon.
Almost certainly your colon will be cleaner… you may experience easier bowel movements and your overall health status should be improved. **
Colon hydrotherapy provides a proven way to cleanse your colon, and thereby to increase your chances of maintaining optimal health. But maintaining good health is an ongoing process, which requires diligence… **
After the initial series of colon hydrotherapy sessions, you may be well advised to seek colon hydrotherapy every six months to a year. In this way, you can maintain the benefits achieved during your first colon hydrotherapy sessions, as well as maintain a strong functioning colon. Your colon therapist should be able to suggest a reasonable schedule depending on your personal health status and desire for further therapy.
With some patience and discipline (including the help of Certified Colon Hydro Therapist) you have an opportunity to overcome serious health problems and start living a strong, healthy, disease free life.
Learn how to tremendously improve your health and reduce the risk of disease through proper bowel movements.
So what is constipation? Let’s start by talking about the difference in opinion between the “medical” definition of constipation and the “holistic” definition of constipation. The medical perspective, epitomized by the Natural Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, states that “normal bowel movements may be three times a day or three times a week.” The Clearinghouse also states, “Constipation is the passage of small amounts of hard dry bowel movements, usually less than three times a week.” The holistic definition is much more specific. The holistic perspective states that it is healthiest to have three bowel movements per day nearly everyday. As we eat food at least 3 times per day, three bowel movements per day would make sense: food in, food out. Unfortunately, most people have only one bowel movement or less per day. This level of bowel performance is minimum for maintaining the most basic level of health, let alone optimum health. Anyone who has gone from one bowel movement per day to three attest to the positive benefits.
How does Constipation create poor health?
For starters, constipation slows down food transit time. The transit time of food is defined by the elapsed time it takes for a meal to enter the mouth and then exit the rectum. The transit time of food should be less than 24 hours. Constipation causes food transit time to slow down. Why is this a problem? When transit time slows down, putrefied (toxic) material stays in the colon longer, allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. This can lead to autointoxication, which causes everything from headaches to autoimmune disorders. Additionally, slow transit time can lead to a build-up of toxic material along the intestinal walls. This build-up reduces the absorption of good nutrients. This is called malabsorption. This state deprives the body of nutrients that are needed for energy and vitality. This is why so many constipated people complain of fatigue and depression.
What is Autointoxication?
Constipation slows down food transit time, which leads to toxins being absorbed by the body. These toxins stem from putrefied (toxic) fecal material that has not been eliminated. The absorption of toxins from within the body’s digestive system is a form of self-poisoning or “autointoxication.” Connected to the digestive system are your circulatory are lymphatic systems. Toxins from food and its digestive by-products can enter the bloodstream when digestion is poor and bowel movements are infrequent. Once this occurs, toxins can settle into the tissue, creating many different states of disease, including autoimmune disorders. Some of the problems associated with this pattern include headaches, brain fog, depression, obesity, diverticulosis, PMS, bad breath, indigestion, gas, bloating, arthritis, body odour, and more serious disorders. Colon cancer, one of the leading causes of death in Canada, can result from years of autointoxication. Even the traditional medical community recognizes the connection between constipation and serious disease. The Lancet, a prestigious British medical journal, reported 20 years ago that women who are constipated are 4 times more likely to develop breast cancer.
What causes Constipation?
There are many factors that can lead to a constipated colon. Generally it is a combination of unhealthy lifestyle choices, which ultimately results in constipation.
D.I.E.T.: Canadians have a love affair with C.R.A.P. Forgive the pun, but the fact is that Canadians love Coffee, Refined sugars and starch, Alcohol, and Processed food. Growing up on a traditional meat, potato, and slice of cake diet sets the stage for constipation. Even for those of us that have changed our diets as adults, the retraining of our elimination system takes time. Additionally, Canadians do not consume enough Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s). Oils from natural sources such as flax, borage and fish contain EFA’s that are needed for lubrication of the intestinal system. Sadly, most Canadians do not supplement their diets with these essential nutrients.
LACK OF EXERCISE: Exercise stimulates lymphatic flow, which can help create normal peristalsis. This is essential to produce 3 bowel movements per day. Unfortunately, most Canadians do not get enough exercise.
MEDICATIONS: Many medications cause constipation. These include anti-depressants, pain medications, antacids that contain aluminium, diuretics and antibiotics.
CHANGES IN ROUTINE: When your normal daily activity is altered the bowel can become constipated (ex. Frequent travel, sickness, etc.).
LACK OF TIME: It may sound strange, but many of us do not create the time to have a movement regularly.
How many of us get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee and head out the door in a rush to work?
Sometimes, one will feel a slight urge to go to the bathroom, but ignore that urge, being “too busy” to act upon it. Over time, this reduces the natural urge to have a movement, and the urges become less frequent.
What are the signs of good Colon movements?
STOOL COLOUR: Generally, the stool should be walnut brown. You may experience temporary discolouration if you eat something like beets or dark green vegetables.
CONSISTENCY AND LENGTH: Stool should have a consistency similar to toothpaste and the length of a banana. Many people produce small, hard, pellet like fecal matter. This is not proper. Insufficient daily intake of water is a key contributor to improper consistency and length, as well as the lack of frequent movement (2-3 times per day).
FREQUENCY: At minimum, you should have one good bowel movement per day, but 2 to 3 is ideal for optimum health.
GAS AND ODOUR: Gas is the natural by-product of digestion, but an abundance of gas is not normal.
SINK OR FLOAT: Normal healthy stool should leave the body easily, settle in the water and gently submerge. If there is not enough daily fibre in the diet (30 to 40 grams), the stool will quickly plummet to the bottom of the toilet. If the stool floats, the likely reason is too much undigested fat.
How do I achieve 2 to 3 bowel movements per day?
It is unlikely that a doctor has taught you how to achieve optimal evacuation, 2 to 3 bowel movements per day. This is probably due to the discomfort experienced in discussing the subject. The formula for the healthy movement of the bowel is actually quite simple.
PERISTALSIS / HYDRATION: To achieve 2 to 3 bowel movements per day, the peristaltic action of the bowel must be regular and vigorous. Peristalsis is the natural wavelike movement of the colon. This action, when functioning normally, moves food through the digestive system in less than 24 hours. There are many ways to stimulate peristalsis, but the most important way is through proper hydration of the colon. Constipation is often caused by dehydration.
The key to hydrating the colon is to drink plenty of water, and if you like, you can jump-start the peristaltic action of a sluggish colon by using hydrating minerals and gentle (non-laxative) herbs. Many “natural” products stimulate peristaltic action using herbal laxatives like cascara sagrada and senna. They work by irritating the colon, causing it to expel its contents. Hydration of the colon is the key to making peristalsis occur naturally, and the use of ingested water and gentle minerals and herbs is a better solution. Magnesium hydroxide is a gentle mineral that brings water into the colon instead purging it out. Increased hydration stimulates peristalsis naturally, unlike harsh herbs.
BULK: The colon requires bulk in order for it to move 2 to 3 times per day. Fibre is the key, but the right kind of fibre is critical to adding proper bulk. Optimal intake for most people would be 30 to 40 grams per day. Preferably, the source of fibre should be split evenly between soluble fibre and insoluble fibre.
LUBRICATION: To achieve 2 to 3 bowel movements per day, lubrication of the colon is critical. There are many good oils, including flax, borage, and fish, which are very effective in providing necessary lubrication for smooth and gentle evacuation. These oils not only provide the colon with the lubrication it needs to move 2 to 3 times per day, but they also give the body essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that can only be obtained through the diet. These EFA’s are vital to most cellular functions that create good health. Because fats are difficult to digest, it is important to use an EFA product which contains lipase, a digestive enzyme that will assist in the proper breakdown and use of the oils.
These three steps (peristalsis/hydration, bulk, and lubrication) are a simple system that will result in proper daily bowel movements. In addition to these steps, here are some helpful hints that also create the environment for regular movement:
Drink plenty of water
Change your diet slowly, adding more fruits and vegetables, especially organic ones. Supplement with a good daily fibre. Lower the amount of refined starches, sugar and processed foods in your diet.
Exercise! If not daily, then at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes.
Lubricate the colon by taking essential fatty acids in oils such as flax, borage and fish.
When traveling, try to maintain a normal diet and a regular sleep schedule.
Create time to go to the bathroom in the morning even if it means getting up a little earlier than usual.
Position yourself correctly when using the toilet. Keep the feet raised on a telephone book or a device designed for proper eliminative posture.
Do bi-annual cleanses using herbal combinations designed to support overall body and intestinal detoxification.
Use colon hydrotherapy / hydration.
Does Death Begin in The Colon?
Feces, bowel movements, constipation, and colon conditions are things we don't normally want to talk about or hear about - but the condition of our colon is vital to our health and well-being.
And when things go wrong, it is often the cause of death. Doctors are familiar with that ancient medical advice from Hippocrates: "Death begins in the colon."
Doctors have estimated that 85 to 90 percent of human ailments are caused by unhealthy conditions in the colon.
Colon health is essential to human health. Restoring colon health can often make many ailments just go away. So much needless suffering (and medical expenses) could be eliminated if people were more aware of the importance of colon health.
You may not hear people talking about their colons, but you can easily see the effects of a clogged colon in all those big bellies and bulging midriffs - and see how "widespread" this problem has become in our modern society. A "colon cleanse" is essential to maintaining good health - and contributes to a trim and healthy appearance!
Colon Cleansing
Cleansing your colon and rectum may also be the best preventive measure you can take against the risk of colorectal cancer, pre-cancerous polyps in the colon, and those painful diseases of the colon known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diverticulitis, Ileitis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) which includes Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Today, doctors have no known medical cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease (other than surgery). It looks like prevention is your only option. Between 25 percent and 40 percent of people with ulcerative colitis eventually need colostomy surgery in which part or the entire colon is cut out and removed.
Medical doctors tend to treat the symptoms of a diseased colon with drugs or surgery, without getting to the real cause of the problem. Has your doctor ever told you how to PREVENT these diseases before they happen to you?
It's really up to YOU to take charge of your health and well-being.
Constipation and Colon Cancer
In the USA, over 100,000 colostomy surgeries are performed each year to remove part or all of a diseased colon.
Unfortunately, recent statistics from the American Cancer Society indicate that 1 out of every 17 Americans WILL become a victim of colon cancer in their lifetime.
Numbers may not make much of an impression, so to get a better sense of the seriousness of these statistics, try this... Imagine you are at a major league hockey game or indoor soccer match attended by 17,000 sports fans. One thousand of them would fill the ice rink or playing field. That 1000 is exactly how many of the people in a crowd of 17,000 will one day suffer from colon cancer. Will you be one of them?
It's hard these days to avoid over-processed foods loaded with chemicals, drinks laced with caffeine, and all the toxic pollution in the air and water.
But you can do something to counteract their toxic effects... simply by cleansing to help flush the toxins, parasites, and impacted fecal matter out of your body and restore your colon to optimum health.
Not dealing with this toxic build-up early enough could lead to serious and sometimes fatal diseases like Crohn's disease, spastic colon, ileitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, leaky gut syndrome, and cancer of the colon or rectum.
Too many people are suffering from very painful conditions and dying horrible deaths that could be prevented by maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Below is a list of multiple ailments that are affected due to constipation, bad
diet and poor colon health.
The following is a list of the various poisons noted by the several speakers: Indol, skarol, phenol, cresol, indican, sulphurreted hydrogen, ammonia, histidine, urrobilin, methy1mercaptan, tetramerhy-lendiamin, pentamethy, lendiamine, putrescin, cadaverin, neurin, cholin, muscarline, butyric acid, bera-imidazzoiethy-lamine, methylgandinine, promarropine, botulin, tyramine, agamatine, tryptophane, sepsin, idolethylanline, sulpherroglobine.
Of the 36 poisons mentioned above, several are highly active, producing most profound effects and in very small quantities, and setting up charges which finally result in grave disease.
It should be understood that these findings are not mere theories, but are the results of demonstrations in actual practice by eminent physicians. Of course it is not claimed that alimentary toxemia is the cause of all the symptoms and diseases named: Although of many it may be the sole or principal cause some of them are due to other causes as well. In the following summary the various symptoms and disorders mentioned in the discussion in London, to which reference has been made above, are grouped and classified.
Duodenal ulcer causing partial or complete obstruction of the duodenum; pyloric spasm; pyloric obstruction; distension and dilation of the stomach; gastric ulcer; cancer of the stomach; adhesions of the omentum to the stomach and liver; inflammation of the liver; cancer of the liver.
The muscular wall of the intestine as well as other muscles atrophy, so that the passage of their contents is hindered. The abdominal viscera lose their normal relationship to the spine and to each other, on account of weakening of tile abdominal muscles; these displacements are much more marked and serious in women. Other conditions are: Catarrh of the intestines; foul gases and foul smelling stools; colitis; acute enteritis; appendicitis, acute and chronic; adhesions and 'kinks' of the intestines; visceroptosis; enlargement of spleen, distended abdomen; tenderness of the abdomen; summer diarrhea of children; inflammation of pancreas; chronic dragging abdominal pains; gastritis; cancer of pancreas; inflammatory changes of gall bladder; cancer of gall bladder; gallstones; degeneration of liver; cirrhosis of liver; infection of the gums, and decay of the teeth; ulcers in the mouth and pharynx.
Wasting and weakening of the heart muscles; micorbic cyamosis from breaking up of blood cells; fatty degeneration of the heart; endocarditis; myocarditis; subnormal blood pressure; enlargement of the heart; the dilatation of the aorta; high blood pressure; arteriosclerosis; permanent dilation of arteries.
Headaches of various kinds - frontal, occipital, temporal, dull or intense, hemicrania; headache of a character to lead to a mistaken diagnosis of brain tumour. Dr. Lane tells of a case where a surgeon had proposed an operation for the removal of a tumour from the frontal lobe of the brain; the difficulty was wholly removed by the exclusion of the colon. Acute neuralgia pains in the legs; neuritis; twitching of the eyes and of muscles of face, arms, legs etc. Lassitude; irritability; disturbances of nervous system, varying from simple headaches to absolute collapse; mental and physical depression. insomnia; troubled sleep, unpleasant dreams; un-refreshing sleep, the patient awakening tired; excessive sleepiness, patient falling asleep in the daytime; shivery sensation across lower spinal region; burning sensations in face, hands etc; epileptiform tic; typhoid state; paralysis; chronic fatigue; trouble with noises; morbid introspection; perverted moral feelings; melancholia, mania, loss of memory; difficulty of mental concentration; imbecility; insanity; delirium, coma.
Degenerative changes in the eyes; inflammation of the lens; inflammation of the optic nerve; hardening of the lens; sclerotitis; iritis; iridocyclitis; cataract; recurrent hemorrhage in the retina; eye dull and heavy.
Formation of wrinkles; thin, inelastic, starchy skin; pigmentation's of the skin - yellow, brown, slate-black, blue; muddy complexion, offensive secretion from the skin of flexures; thickening of the skin of the back of the hand - sores and boils; pemphigus; pruritus, herpes; eczema; dermatitis; lupus erythemarosus; acne rosacea; cold, clammy extremities; dark circles under the eyes; seborrhea; psoriasis; pityriasis; alopecia, lichen; planus; jaundice; "An infinitesimal amount of poison may suffice to cause skin emption".
Degeneration of the muscles; "Muscles waste and become soft and in advanced cases tear easily. In young life the muscular debility produces the deformities which are called dorsal excurvation, or round shoulders, lateral curvature, flat-foot, and knock-knee". Weakness of abdominal muscles causes accumulation of feces in the pelvic colon, which renders evacuation of contents more and more difficult. Prominence of bones; rheumatic pains simulating sciatica and lumbago; various muscular pains; muscular rheumatism; arthritis deformities; synavitis; rickets; arthritis, acute and chronic. Tubercle, and rheumatoid arthritis are the direct result of intestinal intoxication. Dr. Lane says: "I do not believe it is possible for either of these diseases to obtain a foothold except in the presence of stasis."
Various displacements, distortion and disease of the uterus; change in the whole forms contour of women; fibrosis of breast; Wasting of breasts; induration of breasts; sub-acute and chronic mastitis; cancer of breast; metritis and endomestritis; infection of bladder especially in women; frequent urination albmnosuria; acute nephritis; movable kidney; floating kidney. Dr. Lane goes so far as to say: "Autointoxication plays so large a part in the development of disease of the female genito-urinary apparatus, that it may be regarded by the gynecologist as a product of intestinal stasis."
Degeneration of the organs of evacuation/excretion, especially the liver, kidneys (Bright's disease) and spleen; pernicious anemia; lowered resistance to infection of all kind; premature senile decay; retardation of growth in children, accompanied by mental irritability and muscular fatigue; adenoids, enlarged tonsils; scurvy; enlarged thyroid (goitre); various tumours and thyroid; Reynaud’s disease. In those who apparently suffer no harm from constipation during a long series of years there is perhaps, as suggested by Hertz, a partial immunity established. The writer has long believed that such an immunity is sometimes established in the very obstinate constipation which accompanies absolute fasting, because of the cleansing of the tongue and re-appearance of appetite which often occurs at the end of the second or third week of the fast, a phenomenon very like that which appears in typhoid fever and other continued fevers. It must be supposed, however, that even the establishment or so-called immunity insures the body against all injury. The labour of removing an enormous amount of virulent toxins, which falls upon the kidneys, damages the renal tissues and produces premature failure of these essential organs. Any process which develops toxins within the body is a menace to the life of the tissues and should be suppressed as far as possible, and as quickly as possible.
The fact that symptoms of poisoning resulting from constipation do not appear at once is no evidence that injury is not done. Before any symptoms of ill health manifest themselves there is most often a gradual weakening and breakdown of the digestive system, a sluggishness of evacuation processes and a lack of complete assimilation of vital nutritive materials. The inevitable result is that undesirable bacteria putrefy or torment the contents of the intestines, producing poisons which are absorbed from the intestines. These poisons bathe and breakdown cells throughout the body. To no other single cause is it possible to attribute so many widely diverse disorders. It may be said that almost every chronic disease known is directly or indirectly due to the influence of bacterial poisons absorbed from the intestine. The colon may be justly looked upon as a veritable Pandora's box, out of which comes more human misery and suffering, mental and moral as well as physical than from any other known source.
The colon is a sewage system but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we are well and happy; let it stagnate, and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that we are weak and listless; poisons the lungs so that the breath is foul; poisons the digestive organs so that we are distressed and bloated; and poisons the blood so that the skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned and we age prematurely, look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful, neuritis, dull eyes and a sluggish brain overtake us; the pleasure of living is gone.
To reverse this condition requires a change in diet, exercise and cleansing procedures. One of the easiest and quickest ways has been found in using colon hydrotherapy. This is accomplished by inserting a speculum into the bowel with an inlet and outlet attachment. Water can therefore be instilled and removed at will. This cleanses and exercises the colon and dislodges old waste and gas, giving a light, healthy feeling internally.
A new study by University of San Francisco medical researchers has revived a turn-of-the-century idea that substances produced in the bowel can have damaging health effects. The study's findings also support recent suggestions of a link between a diet high in fat and low in fibre and an increasing risk of developing breast cancer.
The study of 1,481 non-nursing women showed that those who are severely constipated tend to have abnormal cells in the fluid extracted from their breasts. Such cells have been found in woman with breast cancer and, the researchers suggested, may indicate that the women face an increased risk of developing cancer. The cellular abnormalities occurred five times as often in women who moved their bowels fewer than three times a week than in woman who did so more than once a day. Chronic constipation is often the result of a diet high in protein, fat and refined carbohydrates (sugars and refined flour) but low in the fibrous foods as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Everyone knows that it is important to keep our bodies clean. We wash, shower and bathe daily to remove the buildup of filth and dirt from the outside of our bodies. We also brush and clean the plaque from our teeth, but how often do we think to clean up our bodies from the inside?
The importance of keeping ourselves clean inside (as well as out) cannot be over emphasized, because it is impossible to secure vibrant health if our internal systems are tired, sluggish and compacted with filth.
The digestive tract is the hub of the body, and every cell and organ depends upon its operation. Yet of all the vital organs that we possess, our colons are the most used, abused and least taken care of.
The natural design of the colon is to remove the putrid waste of digested and undigested material from the body, essentially functioning as the sewer system of the body. Unfortunately, because of our ‘Western' diets and lifestyles, they cease to flow and function as they are meant to. Instead, over the years they have become stagnant cesspools, becoming blocked, clogged and full of compacted, putrid fermenting waste.
More than 50% of the population is constipated at any one time. Being regular, to many people means going to the toilet once every few days. However, to be functioning in healthy working order, one should go at least twice a day. If you do not have a movement for each meal you eat, then you need help to get your system in shape.
An average person living a typical Western lifestyle and eating what is known as the SAD (standard American diet) has between 1-7kg of compacted fecal waste stuck in the folds of the colon and small intestines. The result is the build up from years of poor eating habits, constipation and neglect of one's internal health. When we don't evacuate our waste, meal upon meal upon meal backs up in the colon and festers and ferments. The toxins that are formed during this process are absorbed through the walls of the colon into the bloodstream and can cause "auto-intoxication", or self-poisoning. As Dr. Bernard Jensen puts it, "Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty and so on to the organs and tissues."
Symptoms of a malfunctioning or overworked colon include:
Poor appetite
Back and muscle aches
Bad breath and body odour
Coated tongue
Increased cholesterol levels
Diarrhea (frequent passage of watery bowel movements)
Digestive difficulties
Eyesight problems, such as sunken eyes, swollen eyes, poor eyesight
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Memory loss
Moodiness and irritability
Sallow skin
Skin rash
Spastic Colon
Stiff joints (especially knees)
Stomach heaviness
Weight problems (overweight)
During the cleanse we use a self-administered colonic irrigation system known as a ‘colema', or colon hydrotherapy (with a trained colon hydrotherapist) to remove the accumulated build up of compacted feces and mucoid plaque. This colon cleansing process also aids to remove the excess toxins that the body dumps in the colon for removal during the cleansing process. **
Colon Hydrotherapy
A colon hydrotherapy session takes about 1 hour. It is a deeper cleansing process than an enema. It flushes the large intestine of waste, toxins, parasites and Candida. The therapist after your treatment will be able to educate you on the health of your colon and give you suggestions of what you can do to improve your over all colon health. **