The Natural Flow to Health Inc.
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A holistic way to improving your health.

Cleansing Treatments & Info
The Importance of Cleansing and Detoxification
Declining Health
In today’s fast paced society, it is easy to forget to take care of our health. Most start out with vibrant health, but by age 30 begin to develop ‘minor’ irritations. These small problems become more serious, causing our health to fall into further decline. Eventually, chronic disease sets in and we long for the days when we could do simple things without pain or suffering. Unfortunately, most people focus more on their outer appearance than their inner health. Eating nutrient depleted foods, breathing in polluted air, and drinking poor water, is a deadly trio which is poisoning our bodies.
Deadly Facts
We live in a toxic world with chemicals from factories, trucks, and pesticides. Within one year in 1989 a total of 5.7 billion pounds of pollutants were released into the environment in North America. More than 1 billion pounds of chemicals were released into the ground, contaminating the soil and water table. Over 188 million pounds of chemicals were dumped directly into our waterways, and more than 2.4 billion pounds of chemical emissions were pumped into the air.
Our environment has further declined since 1989. Therefore it is up to you to take responsibility for your own health and well being. The first step towards optimal health is cleansing and detoxification.
What are toxins?
Toxins are chemicals that cause harm to the body’s cells, organs, and everyday functions. There are two main groups of toxins – exotoxins and endotoxins. Exotoxins come from outside sources and are inhaled or ingested. Examples are polluted air, water, cigarette smoke, alcohol, medications, food additives, and household chemicals.
Endotoxins are created internally by the body. For example, undigested food can putrefy, creating toxins that damage cells, tissues, and organs in the body.
Even someone who eats organic foods, drinks the best water, and breathes the cleanest air can still suffer from toxic build up in the body over time.
Tips For Optimal Health
Ø Eat nutrient rich foods (vegetables, whole grains, etc.)
Ø Eat organic foods where possible
Ø Drink plenty of clean water
Ø Reduce excessive meat consumption
Ø Be active daily (walk, run, play sports)
Ø Reduce stress (yoga, meditation, fun activities)
Ø Get enough sleep (7+ hours per day)
How does your body remove toxins?
The body has 7 channels of evacuation which are used to remove toxins from the body:
Ø Liver:
The liver changes harmful toxins into substances that can be safely removed from the body.
Ø Colon:
The colon evacuates toxins dumped from the liver.
Ø Kidneys:
The liver sends water soluble waste to the kidneys, where they are further filtered and finally excreted through the bladder.
Ø Blood:
Blood flows through the vascular system and carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body, while at the same time, removing harmful waste.
Ø Skin:
Skin excretes waste and toxins through perspiration.
Ø Lungs:
The lungs expel toxins through breathing (ex: carbon dioxide). Deep breathing stimulates lymphatic flow to remove toxins.
Ø Lymphatic System:
The lymphatic system removes poisons from cells through a network of vessels that extend throughout the body.
What is detoxification and cleansing?
Detoxification is the body’s natural process of removal or neutralization of toxic materials from cells, organs and the bloodstream. The body processes these toxins through the liver, kidneys, urine, feces, exhalation and perspiration. Cleansing is the action of helping your body to perform detoxification more thoroughly.
Everyone has their own level of tolerance when it comes to toxins. However once you reach that tolerance, a number of different symptoms can begin to appear. Think of your body as a glass of water. Once a glass is full, if you continue to add more water, it will spill over. If toxins continue to be added into our system when there is ‘no more room’ to eliminate them, the body becomes overwhelmed and negative symptoms can occur. This can eventually lead to degenerative diseases.
Indications that the body may need detoxification are headaches, joint pain, recurrent respiratory problems, back pain, allergy symptoms, insomnia, mood changes, constipation, hemorrhoids, sinus congestion, acne and food allergies. If you ignore these early warning signs, conditions such as arthritis, ulcers, and psoriasis can occur and eventually even lead to life threatening diseases.
If you have any of these symptoms or are just concerned about the toxins you may have been exposed to over the years, it’s time to start cleansing. A good cleansing program uses a combination of herbs and nutrients that support all of the body’s 7 channels of evacuation (liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood, skin, and lymphatic system).
The Liver - A Vital Organ
The liver is a complex, unique organ serving many functions crucial to sustaining life. From circulation to digestion, it is constantly processing blood for use by the rest of the body. The liver is the largest glandular organ of the body. It weighs about 3 lb (1.36 kg). It is reddish brown in color and is divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape. The liver lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. Blood is carried to the liver via two large vessels called the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the aorta (a major vessel in the heart). The portal vein carries blood containing digested food from the small intestine. These blood vessels subdivide in the liver repeatedly, terminating in very small capillaries. Each capillary leads to a lobule. Liver tissue is composed of thousands of lobules, and each lobule is made up of hepatic cells, the basic metabolic cells of the liver. Sometimes called The Great Chemical Factory, your liver neutralizes harmful toxins and wastes, stores glycogen (a blood-sugar regulator), amino acids, protein, and fat.
In today's world, our liver – all of our organs, in fact – are at great risk of contamination from environmental toxins and over-processed foods infused with many unnatural chemicals. If your liver is not functioning well, a hazardous buildup of toxins may occur.
The liver performs many important functions to keep us healthy. It removes harmful material from the blood; it makes enzymes and bile that help digest food; and it converts food into substances needed for life and growth. From its sheltered position in the abdominal cavity, the liver filters blood and performs many functions vital to health. Our bodies depend on the liver to regulate, synthesize, store, and secrete important proteins and nutrients.
Why Liver Cleanse?
In our industrialized developed world, we are immersed in a sea of toxic chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that half-a-million chemicals are in use today, and over five thousand new chemicals are introduced yearly. Some researchers believe up to twenty-five percent of these may be carcinogenic. This is why it is crucial to employ a liver cleanse supplement and/or diet to cleanse your liver of the toxic waste of twenty-first century living.
Dr. Hulda Clark, PhD, ND, in her groundbreaking bestseller, The Cure of All Diseases, dramatically describes the gallstones and cholesterol that can choke the liver biliary tubing in many people, including our children.
"Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise."
"Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses, and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way, nests of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver."
If your liver becomes overworked, it can become congested. Toxic compounds and impurities may get trapped in deposits of hardened bile. Pollutants may not be flushed out of the body, and can back up in your bloodstream.
The Liver and the Gallbladder
What are Gallstones?
Gallstones are formed in the liver. They are made from a waxy substance called cholesterol which is manufactured in the liver. 80% of the cholesterol in the body is produced in the liver. 95% of gallstones are not "stones" at all, contrary to what the medical profession would like you to think. They are waxy agglomerations of coagulated cholesterol, as the photos on this page show. Gallstones often agglomerate into "stones" that are relatively large in size.
In fact, only 5% of gallstones are hard, or calcified. So, they seldom show up on x-rays or with ultrasound because they are waxy, not solid. They are coagulated cholesterol. They are usually green in color because they are infused with bile which is also produced in the liver. Cholesterol "stones" clog the bile ducts in the liver as well as the gallbladder itself.
Cholesterol and Gallstones
Here is the definition of gallstones taken from medical books;
There are three types of gallstones: cholesterol stones, bilirubin stones and pigment stones.
Cholesterol stones: scientists believe cholesterol stones form when bile contains too much cholesterol, too much bilirubin, or not enough bile salts, or when the gallbladder does not empty as it should for some other reason. 95 % of all gallstones are Cholesterol stones.
Bilirubin stones are formed from cholesterol and bilirubin.
Pigment stones: the cause of pigment stones is uncertain. They tend to develop in people who have cirrhosis, biliary tract infections, and hereditary blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia.
Some medical practitioners claim that the gallstones excreted during liver cleansing are congealed olive oil. This is totally false. Why are gallstones not made from congealed olive oil? Because olive oil only congeals, or coagulates, at temperatures below 55 degrees F (13 C). Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees F (37 C). Olive oil always remains liquid in the body. Furthermore, olive oil does not contain cholesterol, bilirubin, pigment or bile salts. Gallstones are made of cholesterol (95%), bilirubin, pigment and bile salts.
It takes weeks, months and years for gallstones to form from cholesterol. Gallstones do not form in 3 hours because of the ingestion of olive oil during a liver cleanse. First of all they do not form from olive oil, as discussed above, and it takes a long time for them to form from cholesterol. Saturated fatty acids (and alcohol and concentrated sweeteners that are rapidly transformed into saturated fatty acids) are the chief culprits in raising blood cholesterol, creating gallstones, and in increasing the risk of heart disease. But dietary cholesterol also plays a part. The average man consumes about 360 milligrams of cholesterol a day; the average woman, between 220 and 260 milligrams. The main causes of a high cholesterol count are diet and gallstones. Cholesterol is in every cell in your body, and every cell needs it. You can't live without cholesterol, which is one type of the fat-like substances (lipids) in your blood. Among the essential roles of cholesterol are to help insulate nerves and to create hormones.
The term "cholesterol" is used for both the cholesterol you eat (dietary cholesterol) and the cholesterol produced in your body. Your liver makes about 80 percent of the cholesterol in your blood (blood cholesterol). Only about 20 percent comes from your diet. Animal products that you eat, such as meat and dairy foods, contain dietary cholesterol. Vegetables do not. The good news about liver cleansing is that, in most cases, after 5 to 10 liver cleanses gallstones stop coming out, no matter how much olive oil you drink. So, when your liver is clean, even olive oil will not make gallstones. The fact is that it never did in the first place, of course.
Avoiding Gallbladder Surgery
Gallbladder surgery is big business. Removing gallbladders is very profitable for doctors but, in many cases, it is a procedure that can be avoided. Having your gallbladder out can lead to a lifetime of problems. The gallbladder is the receptacle for bile which is manufactured in the liver. When you eat fatty foods the gallbladder squirts bile on the fat in your digestive tract to metabolize it. Without a gallbladder the liver still produces bile but it can only drip from the liver to metabolize fats. Problems with fat metabolism can be the lifelong result of gallbladder surgery.
If the gallbladder is diseased an operation may be inevitable. But in the vast majority of cases the gallbladder is not diseased. The Doctor wants to remove it for personal financial gain, not because removing it is absolutely necessary. In fact if it is clogged with gallstones and it is not diseased than an operation may be avoided. Indeed what Doctors used to do in the old days was to cut the gallbladder open, remove the stones, then sew it back up. Many people have been able to avoid gallbladder surgery by cleansing the liver.
Can Any Organisms Harm the Liver?
Yes! Liver flukes (Trematodes) are a type of parasitic flatworm which infects the digestive system and other organs in the body. Adult flukes have external suckers which leech nourishment from its host. Trematodes normally enter the body through the act of eating uncooked fish or plants and fish from fluke-infested waters. Trichinosis is another type of parasitic disease that can harm the liver. Trichinosis is contracted from eating under-cooked meat (usually pork) and it affects the bile ducts that drain the liver.
Another condition caused from parasitic infestation in the liver is schistosomiasis. This is caused from parasites that enter the body through the skin, usually from walking barefoot in infested fresh water. The parasites travel through the body, settling in the small veins of the liver.
Ultimately, schistosomiasis results in cirrhosis of the liver due to the scarring caused by the inflammation. Also, many people may not realize Hepatitis A is a virus that enters the liver as an organism. The most common way to contract Hepatitis A is to eat food prepared or handled by someone who didn’t thoroughly wash their hands after using the bathroom.
What Chemicals Affect the Liver?
Chemicals which can cause hepatotoxicity include Acetaminophen, Isoniazid, aflatoxins, arsenic, and carbon tetrachloride.4 Taking more than the recommended dosage of Acetaminophen causes the glutathione pathway to become overwhelmed with NAPQI—Acetaminophen’s metabolite. Ultimately, this toxic compound accumulates in the liver and the glutathione is unable to remove it, thus damaging the liver in the process.
Used to treat Tuberculosis, Isoniazid is a powerful medication necessitating the patient to undergo constant liver tests. Isoniazid is believed to cause granulomas (chronic inflammatory nodules) within the liver.
Aflatoxins occur naturally and can be found in soil, decaying vegetation, and other natural settings.5 Aflatoxins typically flourish in areas of high heat and moisture and normally contaminate crops of cereals, spices, peanuts, and other dried goods. High exposure to aflatoxins causes carcinoma, cirrhosis, and eventual necrosis of the liver.
Arsenic is a well-known carcinogen and teratogen. The most common exposure for humans comes from drinking tap water. High levels of arsenic can be fatal within 12-48 hours after ingestion with some deaths occurring within one hour.6 Once absorbed into the body, arsenic is stored in the liver where it can contribute to the onset of cancer.
Carbon tetrachloride is very dangerous to humans and animals when inhaled. Clinical signs of carbon tetrachloride inhalation include elevated levels of the hepatic enzyme Aspartate Aminotransferase, elevated levels of bilirubin, decreased levels of albumin and fibrinogen, and a swollen and tender liver.
General Statistics about Liver Problems
Physical injuries to the liver are responsible for just 5% of all hospital admissions.
80% of all cases of liver toxicity are caused by pharmacological drug reactions
More than 900 prescription drugs are known to cause injury to the liver. Toxicity is the main reason why a drug is removed from the market
Liver and gallstones are present in 10% to 20% of the population.11
6,500 liver transplants were performed in the United States in 2005.1
Symptoms Associated with Liver Dysfunction
Ÿ Abnormal metabolism of fat
Ÿ Abnormalities in the level of fats in the bloodstream
Ÿ Arteries blocked with fats leading to high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes
Ÿ Cholesterol (LDL/HDL) imbalance as well as Triglycerides.
Ÿ Buildup of fat in other body organs (fatty degeneration of organs)
Ÿ Lumps of fat in the skin (lipomas and other fatty tumors)
Ÿ Excessive weight gain which may lead to obesity
Ÿ Inability to lose weight even while dieting
Ÿ Sluggish metabolism
Ÿ Protuberant abdomen (pot belly)
Ÿ Cellulite
Ÿ Fatty liver
Ÿ Roll of fat around the upper abdomen
Ÿ Troubles sleeping at night (Especially between 1-3am)
Digestive problems
Ÿ Indigestion.
Ÿ Reflux.
Ÿ Hemorrhoids.
Ÿ Gall stones and gall bladder disease.
Ÿ Intolerance to fatty foods.
Ÿ Intolerance to alcohol.
Ÿ Nausea and vomiting attacks.
Ÿ Abdominal bloating.
Ÿ Constipation.
Ÿ Irritable bowel syndrome.
Ÿ Pain over the liver - (upper right corner of abdomen & lower right rib cage)
Blood sugar problems
Craving for sugar.
Hypoglycemia and unstable blood sugar levels.
Mature onset diabetes (Type 2) is common in those with a fatty liver.
Nervous system
Mood changes such as anger and irritability.
Metaphysically the liver is known as the "seat of anger".
Poor concentration and "foggy brain".
Overheating of the body, especially the face and torso.
Recurrent headaches (including migraine) associated with nausea.
Immune dysfunction
Allergies - sinusitis, hay fever, asthma, dermatitis, hives, etc.
Multiple food and chemical sensitivities.
Skin rashes and inflammations.
Increased risk of autoimmune diseases.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Increase in recurrent viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.
External signs
Coated tongue.
Bad breath.
Skin rashes
Itchy skin (pruritus).
Excessive sweating.
Offensive body odour.
Dark circles under the eyes.
Yellow discoloration of the eyes.
Red, swollen, itchy eyes (allergic eyes).
Acne rosacea - (red pimples around the nose, cheeks and chin).
Brownish spots and blemishes on the skin (liver spots).
Red palms and soles which may also be itchy and inflamed.
Flushed facial appearance or excessive facial blood vessels (capillaries/ veins).
Hormonal Imbalance
Intolerance to hormone replacement therapy or the contraceptive pill (eg. side effects)
Menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes may be more severe.
Premenstrual syndrome may be more severe.
• Blood formation
• Regulates blood-clotting
• Stores sugar for future energy
• Forms one half of all lymph
• Formulate antibodies
• Synthesizes proteins
• Manufactures vitamin A
• Stores glycogen
• Formulates lipoproteins
• Produces bile, which breaks down fats
• Converts carbohydrates and proteins to fat
• Production of certain important enzymes
• Detoxifies the body from drugs
• Stores protein
• Neutralization of certain poisons
• Removes dying red blood cells from blood
• Excretes excess calcium from blood into bile
• Converts galactose and fructose to glucose
• Degrades proteins into energy or into fats
• Stimulates formation of red blood corpuscles
• Produces a pint or more of bile, which dissolves fats, increases peristalsis, and neutralizes acids
that enter the duodenum from the stomach
• Synthesizes cholesterol and phospholipids
• Kidneys and intestinal mucosa also store large quantities of proteins
• Immunity is based upon the liver-formulating globulins, which perform enzymatic functions
• Converts ammonia into urea
• Establishes equilibrium
• Stores copper and iron
• Alters hormones secreted by the endocrine glands or excretes them from the body through the
• Formulates bile for digestion and assimilation of fats and helps to maintain alkaline pH of bowel
• Any ammonia in the blood is extremely toxic, especially to the brain
• Combines iron with a protein called “transferrin,” which is made by the liver
• Converts copper into the transport and bioactive form called “ceruoplasmin,” which is critically
necessary for red blood cell production in the bone marrow
• Converts inactive vitamin D into hydroxycholecalciferol, which in turn is converted by the kidneys
into 1, *25 dihydroxycholecalciferol, the bioactive form of Vitamin D, which regulates calcium and
phosphorus metabolism in the body
• Supplies sugar to muscles
• Stores vitamins A, B12 and D
• Provides protection from disease
• Metabolizes minerals, fats, carbohydrates and protein
• Maintains normal blood glucose concentration
• Blood coagulation is dependent upon the liver formulating fibrinogen
• Converts the B vitamins into their active co-enzyme forms
• Over-activity of hormones can occur when the liver is weak or damaged
• Metabolizes protein Gluconeogenes
• Converts L-Cysteine into its blood transport form Glutatione)
When You Should NOT Liver Cleanse:
Ÿ If constipated (consider doing a colon cleanse first)
Ÿ When ill
Ÿ During pregnancy or lactation
Ÿ When under high stress
Ÿ When caring for children (as you’ll need some down time)
*** This Liver Cleanse is not usually recommended for children. Please consult health care practitioner

Candida Symptoms
Candida are yeast (154 different species) that are members of normal flora of skin, gastrointestinal tract and genitals. It is also found in the environment, particularly on leaves, flowers, water, and soil. The most widespread and important of the candida species is Candida albicans.
Candida albicans is a dimorphic organism. This means that under normal conditions it is a sugar fermenting budding yeast. In acidic pH or when our immune system is weakened, it shifts into its fungal form and becomes pathogenic (disease causing, harmful). This condition is known as candidiasis. Candida overgrowth then sets off a cycle that leads to the further weakening of the body's defenses, which in turn allows candida to spread even further.
To break the cycle it is usually necessary to address many of the contributing factors, but eliminating candida is the first and crucial step. Without that, no treatment is likely to have a substantial and lasting effect.
What is candidiasis?
Our gastrointestinal tract is lined with mucus that is home to up to 500 different species of microorganisms, primarily bacteria and yeast. These organisms serve very important functions. They produce enzymes that help us digest food and keep pathogenic microorganisms in check. The intestinal ecosystem, however, is very fragile and can be easily thrown out of balance by
Large and/or repeated doses of antibiotics
Orally administered steroids (contraceptive pill and other steroid-containing medication)
Compromised immune system due to illness, chemotherapy or heavy metal toxicity
Acidic pH in the digestive system (due to red meat and refined sugar consumption).
Poor Diet
When the protection of the useful microbes and that of the intestinal lining is impaired, proliferation of harmful organisms starts (dysbiosis). Candida transforms itself from a harmless yeast form to a pathogenic fungal form, a condition called candidiasis. Antibiotics contribute to this state twofold. They kill or suppress many of the useful bacteria in the intestines (together with the bacteria they were supposed to kill elsewhere in the body) and also serve as growth promoting factors for candida.
Men's or Women's Candida symptoms may include:
Vaginal Yeast Infection
Constant fatigue
Oral Thrush (white film in mouth or on tongue)
Abdominal pain
Bloating and indigestion
Joint pain with arthritis-like symptoms
Chronic sinus drainage -which antibiotics don't help!
Weight loss OR gain and the inability to change it.
Brain "fog" -easily feel overwhelmed by mental tasks
Fungus on the fingernails or toenails
Reoccurring Urinary infections
red, itching eyes
Skin rashes on the body (eczema, atopic dermatitis)
Anal itching
Rashes on or around the sexual organs
Hair loss
Depression from feeling low and "bogged down" all the time.
Dangers of uncontrolled candida growth
When Candida growth becomes uncontrolled the following happens: First, fungal metabolites and/or toxins interfere with the functioning of nutrient-uptake and their transfer into the bloodstream. Then the fungus grows long stringy structures (rhizoids) that can penetrate the upper cell layer of the intestinal wall causing symptoms very similar to those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Candida Related Diseases:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
"IBS is a functional bowel disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract characterized by recurrent abdominal pain and discomfort accompanied by alterations in bowel function, diarrhea, constipation or a combination of both, typically over months or years. A diagnosis of IBS has been reported by 10 to 20% of adults in the United States, and symptoms of IBS are responsible for over 3 million yearly visits to physicians. Research suggests that IBS is one of the most common functional GI disorders. IBS exhibits a predominance in women, with females representing over 70% of IBS sufferers."
IBS and Candida
As we say above, there are many reasons for IBS. Candida is one condition that can create or worsen this imbalance. Candida takes advantage of weakness or imbalances in the system. For instance, the overuse of antibiotics where the beneficial flora are killed in the gut, allowing fungus to overrun in our digestive tracts. This fungal yeast then ferments (That's what yeast does - give it sugar and it ferments!) and causes gas. It "irritates" the intestinal and stomach linings causing pain.
Crohn's disease/Ulcerative colitis
"Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the general name for diseases that cause inflammation in the intestines. Crohn's disease can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and to another type of IBD called ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the top layer of the lining of the large intestine. Theories about what causes Crohn's disease abound, but none has been proven. The most popular theory is that the body's immune system reacts to a virus or a bacterium by causing ongoing inflammation in the intestine."
Leaky Gut Syndrome is thought to be the underlying cause of bowel disorders and very likely the stage of candidiasis that contributes substantially to food intolerances, environmental sensitivities, allergies and asthma.
Sinus Infections
Many of you may find it hard to believe this but there is ample proof that most sinus infections are so hard to control because the sinus cavities are not infected with bacteria but filled with fungal yeast!
The following report from the Mayo Clinic concluded that most people with sinus infections are actually dealing with fungal sinusitis! It also shows that the antibiotics given for many sinus infections (to kill bacteria) are not going to work for long. In fact, by killing off the body's beneficial floral bacteria in the gut-they contribute to the fungal yeast overgrowth throughout the body -including the sinuses! They just make your condition worse in the long run!
We reprint the article here for you.
Fungus causes most chronic sinusitis, researchers say:
The Mayo Clinic Breakthrough
(CNN) -- "Fungus may be the cause of almost all cases of the most frequently reported chronic disease in the United States, sinusitis, instead of only a few as previously thought. And that may be the reason millions of sinus sufferers do not find relief from antibiotics and nasal sprays, according to Mayo Clinic researchers.
"We were able to find fungus which was never thought to be there in almost every case of chronic sinusitis," said Mayo Clinic's Dr. Jens Poinkau.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the nose and sinuses. Nearly 37 million Americans suffer from it. Sinusitis commonly causes chronic headaches, runny nose, nasal congestion and a diminished sense of smell and taste.
Fungus and mold spores are present in the air and are breathed in all the time. The Mayo Clinic research team looked at 210 patients with sinusitis and discovered more than 40 different kinds of fungi in their nasal passages.
"The amazing thing is that also the inflammation which leads to chronic sinusitis was there in a reaction to the fungus," said Poinkau. Jordan Josephson, an ear, nose and throat specialist in New York, said he was not surprised by the findings.
It was previously known that fungus caused some cases of sinusitis, he said. "The problem is that until recently, when technology improved in our laboratory, we weren't able to culture out the fungus. So now we get better fungal cultures, and we're now getting fungus on more and more of our patients," Josephson said. Now that the fungus problem has been identified, researchers hope to develop better treatments to fight it and to control the body's sensitivity to it.
"The problem is that patients are sensitive to the fungus. And until we find something to change the DNA of that person, or the genetics of that person, change their sensitivity to the fungus, they are always going to be sensitive to that fungus," said Josephson. While research into chronic sinusitis continues, pharmaceutical companies are setting up clinical trials to test medications to control the fungus. They estimate it will be two years before any treatments are available."
Interesting that the doctors take the task of expecting to find a way to control the fungus through drugs. Why not kill it at the source? That's what we are going to suggest. But what is the source of this fungus? Why do you have it in the first place?
For many reasons including the use of antibiotics and our love of sugary foods and drinks, yeast has overgrown and gone wild in our bodies.
Many people live with this Candida yeast overgrowth and don't know it, never heard of it, have no idea what it is.
But if you have chronic sinus blockage, drainage or pain and have taken antibiotics in your lifetime you most likely are dealing with a fungal overgrowth in your digestive tract which easily spreads throughout the body.
Food intolerance and environmental sensitivities
As the intestinal mucosa becomes permeable, macromolecules (partially digested dietary proteins), toxins and pathogens can enter the bloodstream and reach organs that they normally would not. Food intolerance and environmental sensitivities are adverse reactions to certain nutrients and environmental pollutants (tobacco smoke, dust, chemicals etc.) that do not involve the immune system's actions. They cause milder symptoms than allergies, but they are not harmless. They can be the prime cause of many niggling, long-term problems that are able to run down the immune system and make one feel ill over time.
Allergies and autoimmune disorders
Allergies develop when the agents (antigens) that entered the bloodstream set off a reaction by the immune system. Some of these molecules are similar to molecules of human tissue and when the immune system develops antibodies to attack the antigens it attacks healthy tissue as well and autoimmune disorders develop. It is possible to distinguish between the toxic and allergic reactions by testing for antibodies against suspected antigens.
From MayoClinic.com
"Oral thrush is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans grows out of control. Like most healthy people, you probably have small amounts of the fungus in your mouth and digestive tract and on your skin. You can't see the fungus and normally won't know it's there — it usually doesn't cause problems because normal bacteria (flora) in your body keep its growth in check. But when this balance is disturbed — by medications or illness — Candida can grow out of control, leading to problems such as diaper rash and vaginal yeast infections as well as oral thrush.
Oral thrush causes creamy white lesions, usually on your tongue or inner cheeks. The lesions can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth. Sometimes oral thrush may spread to the roof of your mouth, your gums, tonsils or the back of your throat.
Although oral thrush can affect anyone, it occurs most often in babies and toddlers, older adults, and people whose immune systems have been compromised by illness or medications. Oral thrush is a minor problem for healthy children and adults, but for those with weakened immune systems, symptoms of oral thrush may be more severe, widespread and difficult to control."
When the defense mechanisms are down from either physical or mental exhaustion the overgrowth of Candida yeast is more likely. It is common in women either pregnant or on oral contraceptives. Antibiotics will deplete the naturally occurring bacteria in the gut and disturb the natural balance of the body. This will cause the overgrowth of fungal yeast which leads to thrush. Thrush is otherwise known as Candidiasis, Moniliasis, or yeast infection."
Oral thrush
"Oral thrush is characterized by ulcers or lesions in the mouth caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans. The lesions are painful, slightly raised, whitish in appearance, and cause a dry mouth."
Vaginal Thrush
A vaginal yeast outbreak causes itching and sometimes odor and a cheesy discharge. The area is often redder than usual. It is often painful too, especially on intercourse, and may be associated with frequency of passing water and burning or pain on passing water. It may therefore be confused with bladder infections (cystitis). Vaginal thrush, however is usually associated with itching, which cystitis is not.
Men's Candida Symptoms
Certain things can happen in lives that just change everything.
A Candida yeast rash on your genitals ranks as one of those things.
It's embarrassing to even think about having an intimate relationship with someone knowing that you could be giving them your problem. Or maybe you just have too much discomfort to even think about such things as "intimate relationships".
Male candida is not a misnomer
I didn't want to think of myself as having "Candida". I thought it was a woman's problem. Turns out I was wrong. Candida is simply an overgrowth of yeast in the body that can manifest in women or men. Women often experience this as a vaginal infection. For men, Candida often manifests as a rash on your skin. This could be on your arms, your face or the more closed and damp areas like your groin/genital area. Here are some symptoms:
Symptoms of Male yeast Infection
Irritation / soreness on the head of the penis
Reddish rash / itching on the head of the penis
Small blisters on the head and shaft
Rash that spreads into the groin and anus with itching and irritation.
Clumpy discharge from the penis.
Any of the above symptoms can also indicate an STD -- sexually-transmitted disease. Please check with your doctor and rule out any possible STD's. You may need specific medications to treat an STD.
You might wonder: how did all this happen? Why Me? Well, there are many possible causes and they are not always your fault.
A Yeast Infection Can Be Caused By
A weakened immune system from prolonged illness or high stress
Sexual Transmission from a woman with a vaginal yeast infection
Antibiotics that kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut. (This beneficial bacteria is what keeps the natural yeast in our bodies from growing wild!)
Lifestyle: eating -- or drinking -- lots of sugars and carbs.
Men with diabetes can easily develop yeast infections because high levels of sugar in the urine create an environment beneficial for yeast to overgrow
Can I really get it from my partner?
From Wikipedia
"In penile candidiasis, the causes include sexual intercourse with an infected party, low immunity, antibiotics, and diabetes... However, yeast infection on the penis from direct contact via sexual intercourse with an infected woman is not uncommon."
The Mayo Clinic's Answer on Sexual Transmission of Yeast Infection
"...women can also get yeast infections from men. So it's important to treat both partners if a yeast infection is suspected. To minimize the risk of passing the infection to a partner, it is generally recommended that you abstain from sexual activity until all of your symptoms are gone."
Candida Yeast Overgrowth happens in a body that is "ripe" for it. As always, Knowledge is Power! There are many treatments that are NOT going to get rid of your problem. Topical creams may work temporarily -- but your rash will likely continue to resurface. Pharmaceutical antifungals like Nystatin will only temporarily help as they only treat the symptoms and not the cause.
For Men, the Yeast Infection story can get Worse
The fungus can start on the head of the penis and it can travel down the shaft, into the moist areas of the groin and onto the anus where it can develop into a painful itchy anal rash. Though rare, the fungus may even travel inside the shaft of the penis where it would then cause a yeasty discharge. This is a horrifying sight and creates painful urination.
You may also have the other symptoms of Candida yeast overgrowth, fatigue, stomach bloating / indigestion / burping, brain fog, fungal sinus infections, white film on your tongue, etc.
Candida Yeast Infection needs to be dealt with from the inside out. Taking a few minutes to understand this now can help you avoid years of frustration. Believe me, I know! If you don't go after IT, IT will continue to go after you (and get worse) until you do something about it!
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Candida overgrowth often contributes to malabsorption (decreased nutrient uptake) as well, a problem that can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies that in turn can affect a large number of enzymatic functions throughout the body. Of the mineral deficiencies most notable are copper, zinc (typical of children with autism) and magnesium.
Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis
One of the many symptoms always listed for Candida overgrowth is "itchy rash". Walk into a doctor’s office with an itchy rash and it’s most likely to be labeled "eczema", "atopic dermatitis" or "atopic eczema". But these rashes are often caused by yeast overgrowth.
Skin rash is not the only symptom that eczema sufferers have in common with Candida sufferers. A craving for sweets, a worsening of skin rash under damp conditions and food allergies are some others.
One of the treatments for eczema has been an "alkaline diet". This diet is similar to the classic Candida diet. People who could follow this diet perfectly would often find that their eczema went away. This diet works the same way for Candida sufferers.
We believe these diagnoses of "eczema", ''atopic dermatitis" or "atopic eczema" are often none other than a yeast rash from the systemic overgrowth of Candida, also known as Candidiasis.
Candidiasis and the nervous system
The effect on the nervous system of candida overgrowth is also manifold. Candida produces toxins (canditoxin and ethanol) that affect our brain and it releases metabolites that are also toxic and interfere with our biochemical processes. Overgrowth leads to the release of these molecules in large quantity.
Canditoxin, when injected into rats, causes unsettled behavior, paralysis of the limbs and ultimately death. We read a mention (but could not find the Japanese reference) that canditoxin also causes long-term impairment of the immune system.
Ethanol (alcohol) is known to cause fatigue, aggression, depression and toxicity. Most notable of the fungal metabolites is tartaric acid, a very toxic molecule similar to malic acid. Malic acid is a key molecule in the energy producing biochemical process of our cells (Krebs cycle). By replacing malic acid in the Krebs cycle, tartaric acid compromises cellular energy production, and is likely to be directly linked to the fatigue and cognitive problems (brain fog) that often accompany chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, for example. Tartaric acid is highly toxic to muscles (and the kidneys), which would explain why muscle pain is so prevalent in many of the disorders discussed here. Another yeast metabolite, arabinose, has been also been suggested to play a role in hypoglycemia and protein dysfunctions.
In addition to the above-mentioned inhibition of energy production, effects of canditoxin and ethanol, it has been shown that the brain can be reached by partially digested molecules from dairy and wheat products such as casomorphine (from dairy products) and gluteomorphine/gliadorphine (from wheat and other grass seeds). These molecules, if they enter the brain, act like morphine by interacting with the brain's opioid system. The opioid system is central to the regulation of cognition, pain perception, memory, blood pressure, sexual activity and some aspects of immune function.
In summary, candidiasis is a condition that develops when the immune system is weakened and/or improper diet is followed. Candida overgrowth then sets off a cycle that leads to the further weakening of the body's defenses, which in turn allows candida to spread even further. This cycle is illustrated here.
To break the cycle one usually has to address many of the contributing factors, but killing/removing candida is the first and crucial step. Without that, no treatment is likely to have a substantial and lasting effect.
In the light of the above discussion it is not surprising that candidiasis has been linked to so many symptoms, such as:
food and environmental allergies/intolerances/sensitivities
neurological and psychological problems (hyperactivity, irritability, mood swings, depression)
Cognitive problems (brain fog, problems with short term memory)
overall feeling of sickness (low energy and aches and pains)
digestive problems
sleep disturbances
And it is also less surprising to see candidiasis as an etiological factor is disorders as diverse as:
high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia)
neurodevelopmental disorders (Autism/PDD, AD/HD)
autoimmune diseases (Addison's disease, Fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis etc.)
bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome)
The more commonly known symptoms of candidiasis are:
dry, itchy, flaky skin
jock itch
athlete's foot
severe diaper rash
recurring vaginal infections
Once you have read through the following and have decided that this is a concern for your health there are a few steps you have to take to treat candida.
Dietary changes. It is a well established fact that Candida thrives on sugar and foods which are quickly converted into sugar in your body.
These foods include alcohol, starchy carbohydrates, dairy, and processed grains. Removing these foods from your diet, or severely reducing them, will in essence starve the Candida and thus stop the problem.
It will also be important to make sure you’re regularly evacuating waste (bowel movements). Candida causes constipation and a backup of waste matter in your intestines and colon help to create an ideal environment for Candida overgrowth.
Laxatives are harmful to your digestive tract and are not recommended, however, a colon cleanse and a high fiber diet will generally help to repair the problem.
Lifestyle changes. Your doctor will also recommend exercise. Exercise is essential for a healthy digestive and immune system. Both are required to combat Candida overgrowth. Supplements.
Parasites… Do You Have Them?
Everything you eat, drink, or handle could be inviting unwanted guests to set up home inside your body. Most people do not want to even think of the possibility of it being true, but it is a reality of the world in which we live in. Harmful organisms affect billions of people worldwide of all races and demographic regions. It's estimated that more than 150 million Americans alone may have these invaders lurking within their bodies without even knowing it!
Conservatively, it's estimated that 85% of the population may have some form of parasite lurking in their bodies! These intruders live in and feed off the host, depriving them of vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids; altering natural pH levels, decreasing energy levels, and creating an acidic environment within the body.
Compromised health is a direct result of parasite infestation in our bodies. These invaders live off our body's life-force and the sustenance that we ingest. In addition to a loss of nourishment and cellular damage, the toxicities produced by these creatures play havoc with our immune system and degrade the optimum health of their host. Sickness, disease, and numerous health challenges can be the direct result of continued exposure and infestation. But unhealthy organisms can be safely removed from the human body.
What exactly is an invading organism? A parasitical organism is a life form that lives off the host, the host being you or me. The parasites live a parallel life inside our bodies - feeding off either our own energy, our own cells or the food we eat, and even feeding off the health supplements we use. In recent medical studies, it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of invading organism living in their bodies. Some authorities feel that this figure may be as high as 95%.
The immediate question that comes to mind when people are informed of this situation is: How can a parasite possibly live in my body and I don't even know it is there? The answer to this is simple. The purpose of a parasitical organism is to not make itself known. A smart invader lives without being detected because if it is detected, of course, something is going to be done to stop it. If you think these organisms are stupid, think again. They are highly intelligent invaders. Not intelligent in the same way humans are, but they are intelligent in their ability to survive and reproduce, which is of course, the purpose of any life form on the planet.
We don't know why every generation prior to modern times made de-worming and internal cleansing a regular part of their lives, but our generation seemingly chooses to ignore this basic practice. It is recognized that people in third world countries have parasites. It is also recognized that most of the animals we eat, and pets who live in our homes have an innumerable number of parasites and worms, but for whatever reason we seem to dismiss the notion that we as a modern society might also have foreign entities living within us as well. For whatever reason the medical profession chooses to try to down-play this fact, but this knowledge is becoming more and more publicly aware in this day.
Harmful organisms live everywhere and are commonly transmitted to humans in diverse ways, such as insect bites, walking barefoot, handling objects, human contact, animal contact, water, fruits & vegetables, eating under-cooked meats and fish, and numerous other ways. Government inspectors simply do not inspect most of the animals that go through the slaughterhouse, but rather a sampling is done. What about salads, or even raw fruits and vegetables? Eating raw foods always increases the risk of invaders. According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), illnesses linked with fruits and vegetables are on the rise. One reason could be the increased demand for fresh produce. We now import 30 billion tons of food a year into this country. Some of the produce comes from developing nations where sanitation facilities are less advanced or they commonly practice the use of human feces as fertilizer (night soil). The further products travel, the more likely they will pick up illness-causing microbes. It also increases the chance of being contaminated by infected food handlers. Food handlers have been in the news lately because of their role in the spread of parasites. Some people who prepare food, as well as the general population do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. When you consider that many of the unhealthy organisms are spread by fecal-oral contact, this lack of personal hygiene may be one of the more common factors in the spread of these invaders. Consider everything that you touch that is handled by others; money, shopping carts, door handles, menus, salt shakers, and everything else -- the possibilities for contamination are enormous.

In spite of some efforts to control parasites, their global impact has not been appreciably reduced for a variety of reasons. Why are parasitic infections among the world's greatest neglected conditions? The illusion is that it simply can't be happening... because no one is really talking about it. You don't hear the newspapers and television stations reporting it enough. You don't see people asking for larger donations to research the effects of invading organisms. When a topic is rarely discussed, who is going to take it seriously?
There is simply very little research being done to stop the spread of invading organism infection. Funding is very low for any research into this area, even if harmful organisms are the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history of the human race. We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States/Canada, even if it is not being properly addressed. It takes an informed person to take charge of the health of their own body. Research the facts and with an adequate cleansing regime, the effects of exposure and the continued reinfection prevalent in the course of our lifetimes, can be minimized and brought under control - resulting in perhaps reduced illness and disease in our lives.
Types of Human Parasites
Human parasites consist of tiny protozoa and amoebae which can only be seen under a microscope, and parasitic worms and flukes, which are larger. The small protozoa and amoebae are spread to people by air, water, food, insects, animals, and human contact. Parasitic worms are usually acquired when one ingests contaminated meat.
It is the small human parasites that pose the greatest risk to our health. These tiny protozoa and amoebae can travel from the intestines to the bloodstream, muscles, and vital organs where they can impose considerable damage on their hosts. In their resting stage or cyst stage, these parasites are very infectious. They are very small and light, so they can float in the air and become inhaled. The parasites have been linked to cancer, rheumatoid disease, asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, pyorrhea, and other diseases.
Below, we will take a closer look at some of the common parasites that can infect humans:

Pinworms (enterobius follicularis) – This is one of the most common human parasites in the U.S. This worm makes its home in the host’s colon, but it lays eggs outside of the host’s body. Transmission can occur through unclean hands, clothes, and bed sheets.
Symptoms: irritation and scratching in the anal area.
Hookworms (necator americanus) – This is an intestinal human parasite that begins it’s life outside of the body, in soil or water, where humans become infected. We can drink water that contains hookworm larvae, or we can ingest contaminated fruits and vegetables. This worm attaches itself to the human intestines where it drinks blood (this worm actually has teeth!).
Symptoms: weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, anemia.
Roundworms (ascaris lumbricoides) – One of the most common human parasites in the entire world, these worms are as large as a writing pencil. People are infected by ingesting the eggs which can be in the soil, fruits, and vegetables. The eggs find their way from the intestines to various organs where the can cause severe damage.
Symptoms: Weight loss, weakness, infection, abdominal pain.
Tapeworms (taenia solium, diphyllobothrium latum, and taenia saginata) – Common in dogs and cats but rare in humans. To become infected with this parasite, one must swallow fleas that are infected with tapeworm larvae. This worm can take-up residence in the intestines where it will steal valuable nutrients and expel dangerous waste. The human host infected with this worm may not show any symptoms.
Symptoms: mineral imbalance, bloating and gas, dizziness, hunger pains, “fuzzy” thinking, digestive problems, sensitivity to touch, and allergies.
Liver Fluke (clonorchis sinensis) - A flat worm that attacks the host’s liver by causing inflammation and making holes. It can survive inside a human host for approximately 30 years. Humans acquire this parasite through eating undercooked fish, contaminated vegetables, human feces used as fertilizer, or by drinking (or swimming) in contaminated water.
Symptoms: an enlarged liver, pain in the right side of the body, depression, edema, vertigo, bile stones, and cancer.

Giardia lamblia – After pinworm, this is the most common parasitic infection in the U.S. , with several million cases occuring annually. Giardia resides in the intestine (or gall bladder) of it’s host and is spread by fecal contamination and through water. Poor sanitation and unsafe sexual practices contribute to the spread of this parasite. Since it is resistant to chlorination, Giardia can be found in tap water, but it can be found in natural streams as well.
Symptoms: abdominal pain, food sensitivity, vitamin deficiency, diarrhea.
Entamoeba histolytica – This one-celled organism produces a disease called amebiasis. It can be found in water and damp environments, in soil, and it can contaminate fruits and vegetables. This protozoan spreads through fecal contamination. Poor sanitation contributes to infection, unsafe sexual practices, and it can spread through crops that are fertilized with human waste. Although most people with E. histolytica don’t have symptoms, this parasites is the leading cause of death by protozoa after malaria.
Symptoms: abdominal pain, weight loss, weakness, diarrhea.
Cryptosporidium – A single celled parasite that can infect the digestive tract, causing serious gastrointestinal problems. Once again, this parasite is spread when something has come in contact with feces, then finds its way to a person’s mouth. Cryptosporidium can be widely found in the outdoors. It can contaminate public water supplies, and lakes and streams. It can also be spread by food handlers who work in restaurants, as well as child daycare workers. Unsafe sexual practice is another way it can be spread.
Symptoms: stomach pain, diarrhea, “fluish” symptoms.
Toxoplasma gondii - a common, crescent shaped parasite that invades the central nervous system. Humans become infected with this organism by eating undercooked meat or by handling infected cat litter, which can contain eggs. Most people have been exposed to this parasite and show antibodies for it, but only few individuals show symptoms. Those with a compromised immune system are more susceptible.
Symptoms: “fluish” symptoms, fever, chills, fatigue, headache.

Common Symptoms of Parasites in Humans
Constipation: Some worms, because of their shape and large size. can physically obstruct certain organs. Heavy worm infections can block the common bile duct and the intestinal tract, making bowel movements infrequent and difficult.
Diarrhea: Certain parasites, primarily protozoa, produce a prostaglandin (hormone like substances found in various human tissues) which creates a sodium and chloride loss that leads to frequent watery stools. The diarrhea process in parasite infection is, therefore, a function of the parasite, not the body's attempt to rid itself of an infectious organism.
Gas and Bloating: Some parasites live in the upper small intestine where the inflammation they produce causes both gas and bloating. The situation can be magnified when hard-to-digest foods such as beans and raw fruits and vegetables are eaten. Persistent abdominal distention is a frequent sign of hidden invaders. These gastrointestinal symptoms can persist intermittently for many months or years if the parasites are not removed from the body.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Parasites can irritate inflame, coal, the intestinal cell wall, leading to a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms and malabsorption of vital nutrients, particularly fatty substances. This malabsorption leads to bulky stools and steatorrhea (excess far in feces).
Joint and muscle aches and pains: Parasites are known to migrate to encyst (become enclosed in a sac) in joint fluids, and worms can encyst in muscles. Once this happens, pain becomes evident and is often assumed to be caused by arthritis Joint and muscle pains and inflammation are also the result of tissue damage caused by some parasites of the body's ongoing immune response to then- presence.
Anemia: Some varieties of intestinal worms attach themselves to the mucosal lining of the intestines and then leach nutrients from the human host. If they are present in large enough numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause a type of iron deficiency or pernicious
Allergy: Parasites can irritate and sometimes perforate the intestinal lining, increasing bowel permeability to large undigested molecules. This can activate the body's immune response to produce increased levels of eosinophils, one type of the body's fighter cells. The eosinophils can inflame body tissue, resulting in an allergic reaction. Like allergy, parasites also trigger an increase in the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Skin conditions: Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other allergic-type skin reactions. Cutaneous ulcers, swellings and sores, popular lesions, and itchy dermatitis can all result from protozoan invasion.
Granuiomas: Granulomas are tumour-like masses that encase destroyed large or parasitic eggs. They develop most often in the colon or rectal walls but can also be found in the lungs liver, peritoneum, and uterus.
Nervousness: Parasitic metabolic wastes and toxic substances can serve as irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness and anxiety are often the result of the systemic parasite infestation. (After completing a herbal cleanse, many people swear that their persistently grouchy mates or relatives have become a lot more pleasant and patient. "The most famous tapeworm of recent years belonged to the late opera singer Maria Callas. She had a serious weight and skin problem. When the tapeworm was detected and removed, ha" weight dropped, her skin improved and her temperament mellowed," says Gittleman.)
Sleep disturbances: Multiple awakening during the night particularly between 2 and 3 AM, are possibly caused by the body's attempts to remove toxic wastes via the liver. According to Chinese medicine, these hours are governed by the liver. Sleep disturbances are also caused by nocturnal exits of certain parasites through the anus, creating the intense discomfort and itching.
Teeth grinding: Bruxism - abnormal grinding, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth - has been observed in cases of parasitic infection. These symptoms are most noticeable among sleeping for children. Bruxism may be a nervous response to the internal foreign irritant.
Chronic fatigue: Chronic fatigue symptoms include tiredness, flu-like complaints, apathy, depression, impaired concentration, and faulty memory. Parasites cause these physical, mental, and emotional symptoms through malnutrition resulting from malabsorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and especially vitamins A and B-12
Immune Dysfunction: Parasites depress immune system functioning by decreasing the secretion of immunoglobulin A (I&A). Their presence continuously stimulates the system response and over time can exhaust this vital defense system, leaving the body open to bacterial and viral infections.
The following conditions might also be tell-tale signs of a parasitic invasion: weight gain, excessive hunger, weight loss, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, acne, migraines, and even the biggest killers: heart disease and cancer.
Nutritional Guidelines
The following dietary changes may help prevent or treat parasites in humans:
• Eat a well-balanced diet with lots of fiber, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Fiber helps remove worms from the intestines; good nutrition improves immune function and protect the body against parasitic invasion
• Limit dairy foods, sugar, and fat. Parasites thrive on these foods
• Avoid eating raw or undercooked fish, pork, or beef
• Take daily multivitamin/mineral supplement to prevent malnutrition and improve immune function
• Supplement diet with probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidophilus bacteria, and other beneficial intestinal bacteria that cultivate normal intestinal flora and suppress the spreading of parasites
The Prevention of Parasites
The following measures can help prevent parasitic infections:
• Wash hands before eating and after using the restroom
• Wear gloves when gardening or working with soil or sand because soil can be contaminated with eggs or cysts of parasites
• Pregnant women should avoid handling cat litter
• Do not allow children to be licked or kissed by pets that are not dewormed regularly
• Wash fresh vegetables carefully. Many people get Entamoeba histolytica by eating contaminated raw fruit and vegetables
• Avoid eating raw meat, which may contain Giardia lamblia
• Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and boots when walking in the woods. In addition, spray insect-repellent on clothing to prevent tick bites
How do I get rid of a parasite?
Internal parasite and Candida cleanse.
Strict diet excluding carbohydrates.
Replenish the good intestinal bacteria.
Supplement with a fiber supplement to absorb toxins from cleansing.
Supplement with enzymes and hydrochloric acid to digest food and kill parasites in the stomach
Because parasites and Candida often are found in the same unhealthy digestive system, it is wise to address them at the same time. Such a program requires the exclusion of refined carbohydrates, sugar in all forms and fermented foods. Grains should also be excluded for a period of time.