The Natural Flow to Health Inc.
Your Local Natural Health Clinic:
A holistic way to improving your health.

Get a Cardio Evaluation in Calgary to Detect Heart Disease
Curious to Know How Healthy Your Heart Really Is?
Is your heart functioning at the same age as your current age, or is it older? (Or maybe it’s even younger than your age?)
Do you or anyone you know already struggle with a known heart condition?
Preventative measures are always important in the maintenance of excellent health.
Now is the time to easily find out if your heart health is on the right track, and what to do if it isn’t!
With a cardio screening report, you will be armed with the necessary information to determine if additional medical testing is needed.
We are excited to be able to make this screening available at The Natural Flow to Health. Let's do whatever we can to stop this silent killer. You can take control by booking your appointment to be screened.
No doctor referral required
Pain free and non-invasive
Health Canada approved Digital Pulsewave Analyzer (DPA)
9 Separate readings in one screening
In our efforts to research treatments or therapies that promote or support health and wellness, we came across a company that has a device that can screen for cardio health. It made us wonder if our clients would want to know whether they have the beginnings of heart disease.
Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in North America and the #3 killer of men. For Asian men and women and African American/Canadian men and women, it is the #1 killer compared to all other diseases combined.
Allan Marston of Cardio Wellness Solutions told The Natural Flow of Health a story of how his 54 year old brother collapsed while working out at the gym and died of a massive heart attack. His brother was fit and had no previous warnings. Allan almost suffered the same fate, even though thousands of dollars were spent on him by the medical system using what are considered sophisticated medical devices for over four years that did not discover any problems. As a result, Allan has become very passionate about bringing awareness to the fact that heart disease, a silent killer, is reversible. The first step is to find out how your heart is doing and you can do this without a doctor's referral and costly tests.
Visit the Cardio Wellness Solutions website to get more information and to read Allan’s full story.
The 9 separate readings that happen in just one screening will...
Look for how weak or strong your heart is with an EKG-type reading
Look for the elasticity of your arteries, checking for stiffening or arteriosclerosis of the aorta and large arteries
Look for how much stress you have in your small arteries
Look for how much inflammation you have in your body
Look for pulse rate, checking your resting heart rate
Look for dehydration and blood pressure, checking the viscosity of your blood to determine if it is too thin or thick
Look for how well your aortic valve is working to ensure proper cardiac output of blood through an echo-type of reading
Look for irregularities in your heartbeat
Look for your real biological age
Think you are not at risk?
Heart disease is frequently referred to as the "silent killer." Half of people who have heart disease will die without even knowing they had an heart issues.
A cardio screening in Calgary will put YOU in control.
Don't wait until you have chest pains
A cardio evaluation could be the early warning that saves your life
No doctor referral is required
Cardio screenings are pain free and non-invasive
The device used is Health Canada approved
Our cardio screening technicians are certified
Make this part of your self-driven healthcare plan to get an early warning sign! Call us today for a booking!
Frequently Asked Questions about Cardio Evaluations
Q: What is a DPA Cardio Screening?
A: DPA is a Digital Pulsewave Analysis, which is a screening that will assess your cardiovascular health. Each time your heart beats, it creates a pulsewave down the linings of your arteries to your fingers and toes, and then travels back to your heart. This is what we measure and use to produce a report for you.
Q: Why should I get screened?
Heart Disease is the #1 killer of people in the world. In North America it is the #1 killer of women and the #3 killer of men. Everyone should get screened because once you know where you are on the heart disease scale you can take action to prevent or reverse your disease.
Q: I don't have any symptoms. Should I still get screened?
A: Yes! Sometimes the first symptom of heart disease is death - a fatal heart attack also referred to as sudden cardiac death (SCD).
Q: I am a young person and very fit. Should I get screened?
A: Yes! Everyone should get screened. Early detection of cardiovascular disease is critical because it is preventable and reversible. Today there are even cases of athletes and younger people having heart attacks or strokes, therefore people of all ages should get tested.
Q: What is heart disease and how does it cause a heart attack or stroke?
A: The major culprit of most heart and other cardiovascular diseases is the slow and steady build-up of fatty plaque deposits in your arteries. These arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart, brain and limbs. When on of these vessels narrows from the deposits, blood flow is reduced and a heart attack or stroke can occur at any time and without warning.
Q: Is the screening painful?
A: No! The screening is pain free and non-invasive. This means no needles, no blood and no pain. The actual screening takes less than a minute. However, forms need to be filled out, data is captured, your test is analyzed and a report is completed for you to keep. The entire test should take between 10 and 15 minutes.
Q: What do I need to do to prepare for a screening?
A: Two hours prior to a screening you should not eat food, and 6 hours before your screening don't have any caffeine (coffee or tea). You can drink water.
Q: How often should I get a screening done?
A: To truly be in control of your heart health we suggest that you get screened every 3 months or at minimum, twice a year.
Q: Is this cardio screening covered by insurance?
A: Sadly, no. While the DPA device that we use is Health Canada approved, the service itself has not been accepted as an insured service by provincial health insurance services.
Q: Do I need a doctor's referral to get screened?
A: No! Simply call The Natural Flow to Health or go online and man an appointment with us.
Q: Is the screening expensive?
A: This screening is only $150, which is a rather small price to pay to know the health of one of the most important organs in your body.
Q: What is the difference between Cardio Screenings and Medical tests (EKG, ECG, Cardiac Stress Tests Etc.)
A: There are several differences between cardio screenings and medical tests, but these two are the most important:
1- You must be referred by a physician to get an EKG/ECG or a Stress test. If you have the appearance of being healthy and have no pain, no breathlessness and no history of heart issues in your family, your physician is highly unlikely to want to waste taxpayers' money and refer you for these tests.
2- Even if you do get a referral, the are no guarantees that any of the medical tests will discover if you have heart disease until you start having symptoms. For an example you can read Allan Marston's story at www.cardiowellness.ca to see how 3 sets of medical tests failed to find a problem until he had an 80% blockage. And even then, it was an invasive Thallium test (where a radioactive contrast agent is inserted into the blood stream) that finally discovered it.
Q: Why are doctor's offices not using the DPA technology?
A: DPA technology is accepted and used in medical facilities and corporations around the world. DPA technology is currently being used at St. Boniface Hospital in Manitoba. On top of this, Dr. Saul Isserow, a Royal College Certified Cardiologist at the University of British Columbia, performed an independent study of the Health Canada Approved Medical DPA device in which he found the device to be non-invasive, safe and accurate at measuring the parameters it is designed to measure. His study also found that the measurement of heart rate variability, a marker for cardiovascular health, is accurate. Even so, the Canadian Medical system is focused on treatment not prevention of heart disease thus the DPA proven technology has not yet adopted.